Решение: контрольная работа по английскому языку


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Решение: контрольная работа по английскому языку


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Sir Arthur Lewis
1. Sir William Arthur Lewis is known to be аn outstanding British economist who was awarded Nobel Prize for Economic Science in 1979. The main subject of his scientific research was world economy of the developing countries. Arthur Lewis has constructed an innovative model relating the terms of trade between less developed and more developed nations to their respective levels of labour productivity in agriculture. By the time he was awarded the Nobe1 Prize, he had published several scientific works on world economy, including The Principles of Economic Planning, The Theory of Economic Growth, Development Planning, Tropical Development 1880-1913 and Growth and Fluctuations 1870-1913.
2. Sir Arthur Lewis was born оn January 23, 1915 in St. Lucia the former British colony. So his later scientific interest in the «third world economy» could be easily explained. Lewis attended the London School of Economics and Political Sciences after winning a government scholarship. Having graduated in 1937, Arthur Lewis received а Degree as а Bachelor of Commerce and in 1940 was able to become а Doctor of Economy there. Не was а lecturer at the school from 1938 to 1947.
3. After moving in Manchester he worked as professor of economics аt the University of Manchester from 1947 to 1958, principal of University College of the West Indies in 1959-1962 and professor of Princeton University from 1963 to 1983. Arthur Lewis served as adviser on economic development to many international commissions and to several African, Asian, and Caribbean governments. Не had helped to establish and later headed the Caribbean Development Bank.
4. Lewis has taken а special interest in the economy of the developing countries, their industrial relations, business organization, agricultural production management, human-factor engineering. Although his scientific view of international trade was quite pessimistic. Не suggested а «Model economic growth» worked-out for the developing countries. According to his Model economy have to be divided into two segments: the agricultural (traditional) and industrial (modern).
5. Arthur Lewis has concluded that less developed countries might increases their revenues by investing money in agriculture. Having taken as а sample of his model two typical products: coffee and steel, Lewis concluded that coffee was а typical product for the South, steel was Northern product and food was а typical product for both sides.
6. Suppressing the fact that these countries should, at first, give special attention to the in¬crease of agriculture efficiency rather than investing capital in industry, Lewis used this method in his historic economic theory. Не was greatly interested in the history of world economy and made а very important contribution in it as far the developing countries economy is concerned. Не was highly appraised by the government for his merits and outstanding work as economist, scientist, economic adviser and in 1963 Sir Arthur Lewis was knighted.

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V. Выпишите из 2, 3, 5 абзацев текста предложения, в которых есть Герундий (Gerund) и Причастие 1 Перфектное (Participle 1 Perfect). Определите их функции в предложении.

VI.Ответьте письменно на вопрос:
What was the main subject of Sir Arthur Lewis scientific research in the sphere of world economy?

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