Ответы на тест по английскому 25 вопросов. Вариант 5


Дата публикации: 19.10.2022

Ответы на тест по английскому 25 вопросов. Вариант 5


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Вариант 5
Английский язык
Часть 4

1. Choose the right translation: “предпринимательство”
A) economy
B) private ownership
C) entrepreneurship
D) marketplace
2. Choose the right translation: “поставщик”
A) supplier
B) consumer
C) demander
D) broker
3. Choose the right translation: “быть в обращении”
A) to be in circulation
B) open check
C) to be available now
D) at a discout
4. Choose the right translation: “distribution”
A) распределение
B) производство
C) продажа
D) торговля
5. Find the word corresponding to the given definition. A tool for harming or killing in attack or defense.
A) Weapon
B) Capital
C) Macroeconomics
D) Upheaval
6. Find the word corresponding to the given definition. A person who buys and uses goods and services.
A) entrepreneur
B) economist
C) producer
D) consumer
7. Insert the prepositions if necessary. The aim of the organization founders was to construct a united Europe ____ peaceful means and creat conditions ___ economic growth.
A) for; for
B) through; for
C) to; of
D) of; for
8. Fill the words in the blanks: To sell a product in the market a manufacturer should... whether the demand is sufficient (убедиться).
A) convince himself
B) make sure
C) do sure
D) believe
9. Find the word corresponding to the given definition. A place in which money is kept and paid out on demand.
A) Store
B) Marketplace
C) Bank
D) Warehouse
10. Choose the right translation: “to solve urgent problems”
A) решать насущные проблемы
B) решать трудные проблемы
C) иметь большие проблемы
D) поднимать ряд проблем
11. Choose the right translation: “заниматься чем-либо”
A) to be engaged by commitments
B) to engage sth
C) to engage smth’s attention
D) to be engaged in smth
12. Choose the right translation: consent
A) довольный
B) чувство
C) согласие
D) запах
13. Fill in the prepositions. Drafts representing the ten instalments are to be drawn by the Sellers … the Buyers.
A) by
B) to
C) on
D) with
14. The man ... was here yesterday is a writer.
A) who
B) which
C) what
D) whose
15. Заполните пропуски: We work … Monday to Friday.
A) to
B) in
C) on
D) from
16. Вставьте подходящее местоимение How old is …?
A) me
B) they
C) she
D) I
17. Дополните предложение. Do you often go …?
A) climbing
B) climbed
C) climb
D) climbs
18. Выберите английский эквивалент русскому слову или словосочетанию: палец (на руке)
A) finger
B) head
C) ear
D) eye
19. Заполните пропуски I … in an office in London.
A) put
B) work
C) travel
D) job
20. Определите, к какой части речи принадлежит данное слово: success
A) наречие
B) прилагательное
C) глагол
D) существительное
21. Найдите соответствие английскому слову: eye
A) ухо
B) глаз
C) плечо
D) ноготь
22. Заполните пропуски: I´m … get up at 5 o´clock in the morning.
A) never
B) no
C) not at all
D) yet
23. Is she an engineer?
A) No, she doesn´t.
B) No, she does.
C) No, she is.
D) No, she isn´t.
24. What … you usually wear?
A) are
B) do
C) does
D) am
25. Judy and Frank … to move because their house is too small.
A) is going
B) to go
C) going
D) are going

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